Hey there! Welcome! My name is Cindy, I am a Registered Naturotherapist & Nutritional Therapist, as well as, Chronic Illness Coach. Another cool fact about me, is I have also been a Professional Chef by trade for over 25 +years!

My passion is food and teaching women with chronic pain and auto-immunity, how to use food as medicine to manage their chronic illness, balance their crazy hormones and say GOODBYE to Depression and Anxiety and so many other symptoms that come with a chronic illness diagnosis. Let’s face it! There are just too many to count!

So, How exactly do I do that you ask? The answer is… with Mood & Food Therapy.

Whether you are in a group program or taking a personal one on one approach, the 90 day lifestyle detour program, will give you a chance to receive one on one attention from me, so that we can truly get down to root cause what’s going on with YOU and discover YOUR story.

Next, you will discover how to tackle the root causes to physiological imbalances and inflammation related to symptoms of chronic illness including depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, hormone or blood sugar imbalances and autoimmunity. Trust me! This step is imperative for success because let’s face it! Knowledge is Power!

Then, with a personalized approach that we design together, I will teach you step by step, exactly what you can do to start turning things around and help you successfully achieve those health goals that you are striving for, so that you can be free of the debilitating symptoms of chronic illness.

Ready to say GOODBYE to chronic symptoms?



My life with chronic illness

As a child I dealt with numerous allergies, attention deficit disorder and childhood trauma. I experienced my first migraine headache at the age of 7 years old, which was followed by an entire young lifetime filled with illness and auto-immunity. Worst of all was the depression and anxiety.

By 40, I was in constant and chronic pain & fatigue, had eczema from head to toe and was even borderline Diabetic.

Every day was a struggle and I could not fathom what more I could be doing in my efforts to be healthier.

Finding my road back to healthy was an extremely long journey that wasn’t always easy. In fact, when I finally discovered the direct route to health, it took me on a complete detour from the road I had been traveling on when it came to food and lifestyle.

I had spent my entire career in food! I thought I knew everything there was to know about my body and food! I mean, I had been a professional dieter all my life!

And THAT! Was part of the problem.

My goal is to give you the tools you need to succeed without all of trials and tribulations that came with the tremendous learning curve I had to get through.

Learn more about me and my story here.

"When you know Better, You do Better"

 ~Maya Angelou~


I believe, that the more we educate ourselves, when we are in need of knowledge that can truly help us, the better equipped we become to help ourselves, regardless of the circumstances.  This couldn't be more true, then when it comes to food and our health.  

I am here to to help you learn how to take charge of your health!  By helping you cut through the overwhelm and by giving you the knowledge and the tools for you to reach your goals for optimal health.  Your goals!  What is finding renewed health look like to YOU?   Whatever YOUR goals may be, I am here to help you reach them.